Terminal Emulator 1.0.70
Jack Palevich
2024-02-04 -
2 -
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Terminal Emulator is a versatile and highly customizable application available for Android devices. Developed by Jack Palevich, this free app allows users to access the Linux command line interface.
As a terminal emulator, users will need to install the necessary software to utilize the terminal interface. While primarily designed for Android devices running on the Linux operating system, it can also be used on other compatible devices.
With Terminal Emulator, users can enter any desired commands, which will then be interpreted and displayed on the screen. This command line interface enables users to perform various tasks, such as internet searches, file viewing and modification, and more. Additionally, users can execute previously stored commands from memory and send text to other devices or servers.
This free application can be downloaded from the Google Play Store, providing users with a convenient and accessible tool for accessing the Linux command line interface on their Android devices.
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